What’s Your Personal Brand?

Traditionally in Real Estate the most well known agent in the area is the one that has been operating there for the longest time. This is all changing now.

Being different and standing out from the crowd of agents around you can get you known in the community faster than ever before.

Daniel Hayes sums this up perfectly.

“You must stand out if you want to be a successful Real Estate agent, it’s an absolute myth that it takes years to build the momentum to earn a 6 figure salary. It’s simply not true. With the right marketing of YOU, you can get noticed quicker and stand out from the “same old, same old”. Then it’s up to you whether you can win the business or not – but the right marketing of the BRAND can get you in more doors. The fact is Real Estate is simply about the numbers, the more numbers you do, the more chance you have at winning, in more doors means more business, it’s that simple.”

Branding on a business-level is commonly talked about and agency’s are investing huge amounts of money to maintain and build their brand in the marketplace. As an agent your personal brand is just as important as the brand of the agency you work for.

Your brand is what people remember and relate to you and your service. Your brand is what separates you from every other suit and tie agent in the marketplace.

6 Tips to create your personal brand:

Identify your core values

Values are the driving factor in your life. They’re the core of who you are and influence every decision you make.

For example your values may be something like this.

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Community
  • Contribution
  • Success

When facing a tough decision in life a person will consult with their values either consciously or unconsciously.

When defining your values consider:

1. Times you were happiest

2. Times you were most proud

3. Times when you were fulfilled and satisfied.

Knowing your core values give you the ability to create a brand that you are proud of and that represents ‘you’ as a person. People ned to be able to connect with your brand and with you. So if you have strong family values, you need to show that and people will be able to relate more with you as a person.


Define your passions

When creating your personal brand it is important to differentiate yourself from other people. One way to do this is by knowing your passions and highlighting them in your brand.

Your passions are things that you like to do with your time. Your passions can often overlap with your values but they don’t have too.

Your passions can be both personal and professional, here are a few possible examples:

  • Food
  • Family
  • Design
  • Fitness
  • Technology
  • Social Media

Identifying your passions and values helps to create a clear picture of the type of brand you want to represent yourself. It is these passions and values that allow people to connect with your brand and allow your brand to be distinguished from others.


Identify your ideal customer

Building your brand is much easier if you know who  your ideal customer is. There are a lot of agents that aim to please everyone as they feel they are leaving money on the table if they don’t. The opposite is in fact true.

Your money, time an energy are better spent targeting a specific audience that will connect with your message and building a stronger relationship with these people then trying to be everything to everyone and spreading yourself thin.

Having an idea of your target customer will also benefit you if you look to do Facebook advertising. As you will be able to run ads directly to the people that meet your requirements, saving you money and getting you more clients that you want to work with.

Answer these questions when you are defining your target customer.

Age: How old is your ideal client?

Location: What specific suburbs are they living in?

Property Type: Is their property a high set suburban family house or perhaps a 2 bedroom apartment in the CBD?

Marital Status: Are they married, if so for how long?

Kids: Do they have children? How many? What age?

Hobby’s: What do they do on the weekends? What are their pastimes?

Where do they hang out? This refers to online and offline. What places do they spend most of their time? Are the spending most of their time on Facebook or are they more active on Instagram or twitter?

Building Your Brand

Now that you have a listed out who you are and who your ideal clients are it is easier to create a brand and marketing material that fits in with your values and will appeal to your prospective clients.

When it comes to building your own brand there are a a couple of really important factors:


Consistency is key when looking to build your personal brand. You need to be displaying a single clear message across all of your marketing.

Use the same style of fonts across your flyers and your website.

Use the same imagery and pictures on your social media.

Along with consistency of branding comes consistency of marketing. If you start your own blog you must post on a consistent basis.

The same applies for social media. There is no benefit in posting 10 times to Facebook this week if you leave it stagnant for two months afterwards.

No matter how good your brand is, if it isn’t in front of people regularly they will forget about it and you.



Being memorable is more easily said than done and with the amount of distractions in our lives today its getting even more difficult to leave a lasting mark on someone.

But with that being said memorability is a crucial part of your brand.

The best way to become memorable is to do something unusual and make it a part of your ordinary life. It may seem ordinary to you but to other people it will be different and memorable.

Go one step further than everybody else. If most agents are sending thank-you letters to there clients why not send the thank-you letter and then create a video on your phone showing your appreciation and post it on their Facebook wall.

Create differentiation between yourself and the other competitors around you.



Differentiating yourself the sea of other average suit and tie agents doing the same old bland marketing will make a world of difference in your results.

You need to relate to your target market and the truth is that most traditional cookie cutter real estate marketing doesn’t connect with the people you want.

You need your brand to be distinguishable, it’s that simple.

Use videos to showcase your personality. Think of fun creative ways to display your case studies.

Be creative with the way you brand yourself online and in person.



Personal Branding should be at the top of every Real Estate Agents to do list. It needs to be monitored and built upon regularly.

I’d love to hear what you are doing to build your personal brand. Let me know in the comments section below.

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