8 Clever Ways to Leverage Your Content Output and Traffic

8 Clever Ways to Triple Your Article Output and TrafficEvery writer spends hours writing, researching and finalising the content of their article. Once we’ve posted the article, we would always want and assume a flood of likes and even shares of our masterpieces.

However, not all articles on the internet reach the intended users and followers, especially if you don’t have the right optimisation and marketing strategies to go with them. So, how can a content marketer reach his target audience?

Here are some ways you can do in order to reach your target audience.

1) Turn Your Blog Into an Infographic

Infographics are an excellent trick to repackage content in a manner that’s sharable and aesthetically attractive. They’re also a terrific way to attract links and traffic: according to AnsonAlex, businesses that uses infographics, have increased their web traffic on average 12 % more  compared to other methods.

Infographics are great way to mix up typical posts and turn them into something visually engaging for readers. It can be easier to read and analyze, which makes it more sharable.


2) Turn a Blog Post Into a YouTube Video

YouTube is the second most popular search engine which follows Google. It’s extremely under-utilised when it comes to content marketing. To create a video, you can simply record yourself talking about the contents of one of your most popular blog posts, or record a Skype or in-person interview with an expert on the blog post topic.


3) Turn Blog site Posts Into Slide Decks

After its LinkedIn acquisition, SlideShare has become a very popular way for professionals to view and enjoy content. They also rank well, and can drive long-term organic traffic to your site.

To create a great slide, just take out 10-20 points from a post and hire a designer to turn each of those points into a slide. Each slide must consist of one bottom line from your post and a high-quality image. Each slide deck ought to have a couple of intro slides, 10-20 slides that cover the bottom lines of your blog post, 1-2 slides with quotes from market thought leaders, and a concluding slide that links back to your website, blog site or landing page.

Once you have a nicely designed slide deck, upload to SlideShare and embed the deck into a blog post you write about the deck. Boom — you’ve now exposed your content to the millions of monthly SlideShare visitors! 


4) Turn Your Posts Into Audio File

Approximately, 39 million Americans have used podcast in the last month. This number remains to grow: Internet users prefer to listen to audio while travelling, exercising, working out, or relaxing. If this where your consumers are using, then audio episodes can be a great way to regularly rack up customers by browsing iTunes for your content.


5) Turn Numerous Blog Posts Into  Whitepaper

Some internet users, particularly those who are working in bigger corporations, like to download Whitepapers for reference. Though its not longer than blog posts, a Whitepaper has more formal and professional layout. It often gets shared around inside more frequently than a usual blog post.

6) Syndicate Existing Material on External Networks

Nowadays, content can also be shared in social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The contents you publish in external networks immediately gets pushed out to your network, and can be included in one of the widely used networks by professionals like LinkedIn channels.


7) Post Excerpts to Q&A Sites

Q&A forums and sites like Stack Exchange, Quora, Reddit, and Professionals Exchange are also popular for internet users. By using this method, you’ll acquire a number of followers on each of these websites and provide the website users a chance to click back to your original content. Make sure to tailor your feedbacks to the question asked, instead of copy/pasting material, and not to be so self-promotional, as that can irritate some members of the websites.


8) Extend Existing Content With Interviews

With this technique, you can email a few specialists in your industry and ask them if they’re willing to do a fast meeting around the content you created. This interview can last 10-15 minutes: The objective is to get the specialist’s viewpoint on the topic you covered, and appropriate quotes you can sprinkle into your spruced up post.

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